Possible hikes (alone or combined)
Nabi Ghaith Trail Nabi Anir Trail Ein Qinya to Ras Karkar(Ramallah highlands) Sanur to Sabastiya

Overview of Sufi Trails in the Bani Zeid region: Nabi Ghaith Trail (Northwest of Ramallah)

The Nabi Ghaith trail is a fabulous day’s walk starting from the medieval Sufi shrine of Nabi Ghaith. The Maqam (shrine) commemorates Sheikh Ghaith and is built from stones reused from the site. Next to the maqam are a number of natural caves, cisterns and some remains of carved stone burial sites from the Byzantine period. The path runs down along the remote Wadi Natuf. This valley draws its name from the prehistoric culture of the Natufians – a people who lived in the eastern Mediterranean some 12,000 years ago – who may have been among the first humans to cultivate plants, domesticate animals, and build permanent settlements. The track takes you through the hidden gardens of the village and ends at the natural springs of Ein Zarqa. In partnership with the association Rozana that promotes sustainable development of rural territories. Rozana’s work is focused on five main areas: Architectural Heritage, Trails and Tours, Cultural Events (such as the festival “Birzeit Heritage Week”), Community Capacity Building, and Networks and Partnerships. Through the involvement of town communities, Rozana aims to promote cultural heritage, foster socio- economic development in rural areas, and provide opportunities for encounters and exchanges. Included: hiking guide and transportation