The foothills and mountains of Galilee have at all times watched over the fertile plain of Marj Ibn Amer (Jezreel Valley), a passageway at the crossroads connecting Egypt to Syria and to Mesopotamia beyond. The Holy Family’s region of origin, Galilee was also the land of the first Nazarene communities, and then the first Christian ones – from Jesus’ childhood, to Nazareth, to the sermon on the banks of Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee). The first Arab city at the heart of Galilee, Nazareth staunchly claims its Palestinian identity.
Places to see: Marj Ibn ‘Amer • Megiddo • Basilica of the Annunciation • Mary’s Well • Church of Saint Gabriel • Saffuriyya • Sakhnin • Kufr Kana • Lake Tiberias • Dhaher al-Omar rempart • Maimonides’ tomb • Mount of Beatitudes • Capernaum • Tabgha • Church of the Miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes • Mount Tabor