24-26 May
FITS Tunisia 2017: Solidarity and alternative tourism in the Mediterranean
FITS Tunisia 2017 took place in Tataouine on the theme: “The Role of alternative and fair tourism in the sustainable development of fragile areas in the Mediterranean region and Africa”. The forum brought together tourism professionals, national and local government representatives, associations, tour operators, journalists, Tunisians and other nationals, for whom the development of alternative tourism is both possible and desirable. Diwan Voyage was a speaker at the round table Culture, heritage and promotion of territories through tourism in order to talk about sustainable and solidarity tourism in Palestine. Diwan Voyage explained that the dominating tourism of Holy Land pilgrimage makes Palestine a popular destination, despite the context of the occupation. However, the economic benefits are largely diverted to the detriment of Palestinians, while the narrative makes light of history and overwhelmingly ignores the Palestinian population, its legitimate struggles and aspirations. In this context, alternative and solidarity tourism in Palestine lies within the scope of a double intention: informing and sharing a captivating and multiple history, while exposing a wealth of heritage that has been marginalized. Finally, it is committed to the promotion of local initiatives and organizations of Palestinian civil society. The FITS Tunisia 2017 assembled 120 participants coming from 23 countries. Date of publication: May 26, 2017