28 May
"Active Citizens" round table in Ramallah
In recent years, various initiatives have been launched to strengthen local production and consumption in order to foster a resistance economy, reclaiming resources mostly monopolized by the Israeli occupation system. These new practices are both rooted in Palestinian history and self-ruled experiences of the first Intifada and inspired by global networks and knowledge, i.e. those of the social economy and the sharing economy that blossom worldwide, in Europe, North and South America, Africa... These initiatives are not only about agriculture (organic production, Agroecology, consumers groups, farmers’ unions engagements) that plays a key role in Palestinian economy, but also about tourism (alternative tourism), Community funding systems, renewable energy, heritage oriented projects, social entrepreneurship…etc. Following a first symposium held in December 2015 at An-Najah University in Nablus, in partnership with the French Institute for the Near-East (Ifpo), five round tables were organized on Saturday 28 May with the Dalia association in Ramallah, in order to follow up on the initial discussions on the theme “Active Citizens. Producing and Consuming in a Resistance Economy today in Palestine.” The objective of these discussions, in which Diwan Voyage actively participated, was to assess existing initiatives and to think about concrete perspectives for the evolution of these movements and the networking of the different actors in the Resistance Economy. Date of publication: May 1, 2016